Cari Health Intradermal Affinity Agent based monitoring of Methadone
WearOptimoIntradermal : Cyclic Voltammetry based Sensor for Hydration Status – Osmolarity and Aptamer based recognition of Troponin C and other polymeric molecules.
XSensioSupradermal : Skin Surface based FET Sensor for Cortisol
Nutromics Intradermal : RNA/DNA Aptamer based recognition – Vancomycin, Creatinine, Troponin C, Sepsis Biomarker
BiolinqIntradermal : Microneedle with Enzymatic Sensor -Glucose, Lactate, Ketones
AquilXEXVIVO : Enzymatic Based recognition of Glucose, Lactate, ?
AbbottSubdermal : Enzymatic Sensor – Glucose
Identify SensorsPOC : Sequence based recognition – multiple pathogens Covid, FluA, and FluB
Sensible HealthGlucose
iWel HealthLactate , Ketones , Sodium, Urea
Kilele Healthglucose , phenylalanine, cortisol, vancomycin Glucose
VitalityGlucose, Lactate