
Beta B / Sarbecoviruses

Group 2 contains SARS-CoV-2 : This group evolved in Horseshoe Bats transferred to Pangolins, then back to Bats , then Intermediate Hosts (?Pangolins /Dogs/Cats) and finally to Humans around Wuhan China in November of 2019 . This new Human Virus is associated with a novel S1/S2 furin sensitive cleavage site and genetically drifted insertion of 42 amino acid sequence in the Papain Like Protease. The origin of the new Spike protein amino acid sequence insertions has been hypothesized to occur via Polymerase slippage, Intein Acquisition, RNA recombination, RNA Intron insertion, Lab engineered, and/or other means. It is not know how the initial insertion of the novel sequences between the pangolin viruses and subsequent bat viruses occured.

Group 1 contains SARS-CoV : Bats to Civet Cats to Humans

Beta C / Merbecoviruses

MERS : Bats to Camels to Humans

Beta A / Embecoviruses

HKU-1 and OC43 Human coronaviruses that cause the common cold. The OC43 virus is hypothesized to have come from mice then rabbits then finally transferred from cows to humans around 1890. This may have been the cause of a major pandemic previously attributed to the flu that caused 1 million deaths.