Framework : Geobiology (under development)
Pre Earth Formation Processes
I. Formation of Proplyd in a Star Cluster Cloud.
II. Circumstellar Disk Formed
III. Undifferentiated planetisimals
IV. Differentiated planetisimals
V. Major Inner Planets
VI Major Outer Planets:
VII Planetary Migration Episode
Formation of the Earth and Moon in Layers.
( Inner Core, Outer Core, Inner Mantel, Outer Mantel, and Crust )
It is estimated that protoplanet Earth had a differntiated core,mantel, and crust within 30 million years of Proplyd formation. Matter on ProtoEarth would have been exposed to infrared radiation from the Protosun as well as high energy gamma, cosmic, UV, and xrays from Extrasolar system Sources. The infrared radiation would have provided some stable zones of hydrocarbon and water phase transitions.
Numerous supernovas would have occured in our nearby Star Cluster and therefore modern cellular based life forms would have had a difficult physiochemical environment for existence. However, other forms of life utilized these high energy opportunities to convert energy into the work required for organization of carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, sulfur, and metal ion molecules into ProtoCells. The amount of energy required for this conversion can be theoretically estimated using Information Theory. The estimation can then be used to provide timeline for the energy to entropy conversion steps during ProtoCell Development. The exact nature of those steps can be further elucidated.
Theia and ProtoEarth Collided 4.5 Billion Years Ago. ref 1, 2 .Earth had an iron core at the time of collision but the core of Theia is not yet known. However, Theia is believed to have formed further away from the Sun and therefore would have contained more volatile gases such as water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen. Evidence for the Great Impact Hypothesis comes from simulations, earth & moon gravity maps, and zinc isotope analysis.
Zircons suggest Earth's Crust and Hydrosphere formed after an impact 4.4 Billion years ago. Evidence of a prior crust and hydrosphere is currenty not available but is modeled by some simulations.
Late Heavy Bombardment 3.85 -3.95 Billion years ago with temperatue spike on Earth.
Wikipedia reference on Late Heavy Bombardment
Impact Events delivered precious metals, water, and new gene families.
Mineral evolution on Earth is related to the Birth and Death of Gene Families.
General Geobiology Model:
Tectonic Plate Models:
Vaalbara Supercontinent is believed to have formed 2.7 Ba along with or including a possible UR continent. Evidence exists for a biogenic land based sulfur oxidation process existing at that time. This suggest the presence of some minimal oxygen possibly from symbiotic cyanobacteria.
Breakup of Columbia/Nuna Supercontinent 1.30 -1.20 Ba
Models of Temperature, CO2, and Sea Level History
Atmospheric Oxygen Levels
Eukaryot Cell. 2011 July; 10(7): 856–868.
doi: 10.1128/EC.00326-10
Do Red and Green Make Brown?: Perspectives on Plastid Acquisitions within
Chromalveolates Richard G. Dorrell* and Alison G. Smith
Atmospheric Ozone Levels
Atmospheric Hydrogen, Helium, Argon, and Nitrogen Levels
Nickle starvation in oceans at 2.7B years ago. Nickle release during Permian Extinction from Siberian Flats with increased Methanobacteria activity.
Geophysical Sulfur Cycles mobilizing molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, and iron,
Neobium concentrations in Crust
Sodium, Postassium, Phosphate, Chloride, Iodide, Fluoride, Calcium, Magnesium, Manganese, Boron, Chromium, Ammonia,Hydrocarbon
Mineral Concetrations in Core, Mantle, and Crust
Nitrate Levels in Ice Cores
Carbon Isotope Levels
Hydrogen Isotope Levels : High level of protons during 3.4 Gya with decrease in H/D ratio over time. ( Proposed Loss of H to Space via methanogenesis)
Oxygen Isotope Levels
Argon Isotope Levels
Uranium Concentrations in the Crust
Gold Crust Concentrstions
Silver Crust Concentrations
Earths potential history of exposure to supernovas and cosmic rays.
Comparisons to Mars
Climate regulation and atmosphere evolution
The Hadean-Archaean Environment
Large Scale Ocean Circulation from Grace
New Spin on the Origin of the Earth and Moon
Gravitational Anomoly in Sri Lanka
Concentrically zoned pattern in the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of northeastern North America