Blood Pressure Screening
Cholesterol Screening
Baseline Electrocardiogram
Treadmill Test
Coronary Artery Disease Risk factor analysis
Cerebrovascular Accident Risk Factor Analysis
Carotid bruit screening
Apolipoprotein A analysis
Oxidized LDL screening
Herpes Virus/CMV infection screening
Noninvasive angiograms
Myocardial Infarction/Heart Attack blood indicator tests
Brain infarct (stroke) blood indicator tests
Blood homocystein levels or serum folate, B-6, and B-12 levels
Serum Magnesium Level
Serum Protein C Level
Serologies for Chlamydia Pneumoniae
Please place a mark on your known risk factors
Age greater than 50 yrs old
Diabetes for at least 5 years
Hypertension for a least 5 years
Obesity for a least 5 years
Elevated oxidized LDL cholesterol levels
Elevated blood homocystein levels or low folate, B-6, or B-12
Inactive lifestyle (ie no excercise)
Hypercoagulation problems
A family history of atherosclerosis
Elevated Apolipoprotein A levels
Low serum Magnesium levels
Chronic CMV or arterial herpes virus infection
Arterial Calcium deposits
Arterial Infections with Chlamydia Pneumoniae
High Protein C levels
Male Pattern Balding with a + Family History